Songs in Elvish

Laer Iaur Baded

Laer Iaur Baded The Old Walking Song

I ven bâd lim a lim uireb The road goes ever on and on
Dad uin annon ias sa heriant Down from the door where it began.
Si palan-vannen i Ven Now far ahead the Road has gone,
A han padathon ae pelin And I must follow, if I can,
Han aphadol na dail verai Pursuing it with eager feet,
Nalú ertha go vád annaur Until it joins some larger way
Ias raid a taiss gevedir Where many paths and errands meet.
Na man sad? Ú-belin peded And whither then? I cannot say.

Laer Lebennin

Laer Lebennin Song of Lebennin

I sîr sirar celebrin o Chelos na Erui Silver flow the streams from Celos to Erui
Min dailf gelin Lebennin! In the green fields of Lebennin!
Gala tond ennas i thâr. Nan hûl uin Aear Tall grows the grass there. In the wind from the Sea
In innil 'lain lilthar. The white lilies sway.
A nill velthin nellenin bo vallos ah alfirin And the golden bells are shaken of mallos and alfirin
Min dailf gelin Lebennin, In the green fields of Lebennin,
Nan hûl uin Aear. In the wind from the Sea!

Laer in-Edhil Reniol

Laer in-Edhil Reniol Song of the Wandering Elves

A Fanuilos, Brennil gelair Snow-white! Snow white! O Lady clear
Athan Aear Annui, Bereth O Queen beyond the Western Seas
Calad ammen i reniar O Light to us that wander here
Mi 'aladhremmin Ennorath Amid the world of woven trees!

A Elbereth Gilthoniel Gilthoniel! O Elbereth!
I chîn a thûl lín míriel Clear are thine eyes and bright thy breath
A Fanuilos! Linnam allen Snow-white! Snow white! We sing to thee
Athan Aear min ndôr chae hen In a far land beyond the Sea

Elin i ned în ben-Anor O stars that in the Sunless Year
Na gam hilol na hen rennin With shining hand by her were sewn
Mi dailf 'waerin lim a gelair In windy fields now bright and clear
Celweloth lín reviennin We see your silver blossoms blown!

Gilthoniel, A Elbereth O Elbereth Gilthoniel!
Min ndôr chaeron hen din gelaidh We still remember, we who dwell
Me i ndorthar sí renim ui In this far land beneath the trees
'ilgalad buin Aeair Annui Thy starlight on the Western Seas.

Laer Orchenion
Glîr adh Rîn
I Veril

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