Laer Iaur Baded |
The Old Walking Song |
I ven bâd lim a lim uireb |
The road goes ever on and on |
Dad uin annon ias sa heriant |
Down from the door where it began. |
Si palan-vannen i Ven |
Now far ahead the Road has gone, |
A han padathon ae pelin |
And I must follow, if I can, |
Han aphadol na dail verai |
Pursuing it with eager feet, |
Nalú ertha go vád annaur |
Until it joins some larger way |
Ias raid a taiss gevedir |
Where many paths and errands meet. |
Na man sad? Ú-belin peded |
And whither then? I cannot say. |
Laer Lebennin |
Song of Lebennin |
I sîr sirar celebrin o Chelos na Erui |
Silver flow the streams from Celos to Erui |
Min dailf gelin Lebennin! |
In the green fields of Lebennin! |
Gala tond ennas i thâr. Nan hûl uin Aear |
Tall grows the grass there. In the wind from the Sea |
In innil 'lain lilthar. |
The white lilies sway. |
A nill velthin nellenin bo vallos ah alfirin |
And the golden bells are shaken of mallos and alfirin |
Min dailf gelin Lebennin, |
In the green fields of Lebennin, |
Nan hûl uin Aear. |
In the wind from the Sea! |
Laer in-Edhil Reniol
| Song of the Wandering Elves |
A Fanuilos, Brennil gelair |
Snow-white! Snow white! O Lady clear |
Athan Aear Annui, Bereth |
O Queen beyond the Western Seas |
Calad ammen i reniar |
O Light to us that wander here |
Mi 'aladhremmin Ennorath |
Amid the world of woven trees! |
A Elbereth Gilthoniel |
Gilthoniel! O Elbereth! |
I chîn a thûl lín míriel |
Clear are thine eyes and bright thy breath |
A Fanuilos! Linnam allen |
Snow-white! Snow white! We sing to thee |
Athan Aear min ndôr chae hen |
In a far land beyond the Sea |
Elin i ned în ben-Anor |
O stars that in the Sunless Year |
Na gam hilol na hen rennin |
With shining hand by her were sewn |
Mi dailf 'waerin lim a gelair |
In windy fields now bright and clear |
Celweloth lín reviennin |
We see your silver blossoms blown! |
Gilthoniel, A Elbereth |
O Elbereth Gilthoniel! |
Min ndôr chaeron hen din gelaidh |
We still remember, we who dwell |
Me i ndorthar sí renim ui |
In this far land beneath the trees |
'ilgalad buin Aeair Annui |
Thy starlight on the Western Seas. |