Sindarin Translations of Masculine Names

The definitions for these real life names are from

Stress is placed on the underlined part of the name. For a helpful guide to Sindarin pronunciation go to

Aaron Exalted Arthion, Arthon, Hall, Hallion
Abraham Father of many Pinadar, Adarbin
Adam Man Adan, Benn, Dîr
Alan Little rock, handsome Gondithen, Banion
Alexander Defending men Berioredain, Edainverior
Andrew Of a man Adanion, Bennion, Dirion
Anthony Flower Loth, Lothion, Lothon
Austin Great, venerable Beleg, Belegon, Daer, Daeron, Brûn
Benjamin Son of the south/Right hand Haradion, Forgamion
Brandon Prince Ernil
Charles Man Adan, Benn, Dîr
Christian Christian, believes in God Eruvronwe
Christopher Bear/carry Christ Coleru, Erugolon
Connor Dog-lover, wolf-lover Huvellon, Huveldir, Garavellon, Garaveldir
Daniel God is my judge Eruvadhoren
David Beloved Melethron
Dean Valley Lad, Ladion, Imlad, Imladion, Nanion, Nanon
Dominic Of the lord Eion
Donald Ruler of the world Conardh, Conardhon, Aranardh
Duncan Brown warrior Baramaethor
Dylan Sea Aear, Aearon
Edward Blessed guard Galuidirn
Eli Ascension Eriad
Elijah My God Erunín
Eric Ever ruler Conanuir, Uigon
Ethan Solid, enduring Bronadui, Bronaduion
Gabriel Man of God Erunír, Eruvenn
Jack God is gracious/kind Eruvilui
Jason To heal Nestor
Jeffrey Peace of God Sídheru
John God is gracious/giving/kind Eruvilui
Jonathan God has given Oneneru
Jordan Descend, flow down Rimmadadia
Joshua God is salvation Edratheru
Justin Just Fael
Kevin Handsome child Bainion
Kyle Tree of life Cuilornion, Cuilaladh
Luke From Lucania Luganion, Luganon
Mark Man of war Othadan, Adanoth
Matthew Gift of God Anneru
Maximilian Greatest Daerwain, Darwain, Belegwain
Maxwell Stream of Maccus Nemagus
Michael Who is like God? Eruthiad
Miles Soldier Maethor, Othír, Othor, Dagron
Nicholas Victory of the people Turwaith
Noah Rest, comfort Îdh
Orlando Famous land Doristannen
Patrick Nobleman Aradan, Arabenn, Aradir, Arthadan
Richard Brave power Balanornen, Tuornen, Bellasornen
Robert Bright fame Celairistannen
Ryan Little king Araneg
Samuel Name of God, God has heard Enetheru,Erulastannen
Seth Placed, appointed Estannen
Steven Crown on, or, Rínion, Rínon, nor, nir
Thomas Twin Gwanunig
Timothy Honoring God Aglaraneru, Aglareru
Trevor Big village Torobel
Tyler Tiler of roofs Tobir, Tobor, Tobon
William Will/desire + protection Innaveriador
Zachary God remembers Erurén

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